Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One Down, Four More To Go

I just finished my summer quarter of school and in doing so completed my first year of architecture school. One down, four more to go until I finish with professional bachelors degree in Architecture (Barch). It has been a crazy year of school, lots of projects, lots of instruction and a lot learned from some great professors and incredible peers.

Monday was a special day though, after a week of three all-nighters and scrambling to get things done in time for my final presentation I was given a great surprise from Brittany.

Here is how it all went down....

After doing this:

And hearing from jurors like these:

I went home with some satisfaction in my project and presentation and from the comments that were made from my jury.

Upon coming home and seeing these guys:

I noticed this:

And that:

Which was actually this:

Thank you so much Babe for the wonderful surprise and gift. I love you.


The Max Family said...

congrats to your hubby, I know my dad loves his job as archy he has done it for over 35 yrs, I am sure your hubby will be glad when school is done!!!

Kelly, Taylor Max and Girls

Anonymous said...


Haley said...

Hey Kyle, it's me Haley. I found your blog. Just wanted to say hi and tell you congrats!

TC said...

AwwWWwwWW....so lucky!!!! When r we gonna eat Chinese Food together in Cali?

heather telford photography said...

your presentation looks so cool!! good job!!

Tonya said...

That's great Kyle! I am so envious of people who are passionate about their careers. Jake just started his second year of med school. Won't it be nice when you guys are done???????????????

Anonymous said...

You look good. In a suit all businessy.